Continuous Creation Challenge

You were soooo asking for it.

No, seriously. You were asking for it.

Chris, Lynn, Erin, Denise, Jessie and others.

So I'm giving it to you!

The Continuous Creation Challenge resource kit is here!

I Don't Want You to Read This

I'll be blunt.

Except for the part below about my graphic design challenge, I just want you to click this link and spend ten minutes checking out the resource kit.

Yes, discover the awesomeness of the CCC resource kit right now.

Get the planning guide and checklist at Continuous Creation Challenge HQ and explore the FAQs, experiences, community, and other grooviness.

Make your life something that happens by you, not to you with the tools right here.

Am I getting my point across yet?

My Challenge

The CCC is cool. It's self-awareness raising.

And it allows the passion burning inside you for creative expression, freedom, simplicity, and experimentation to take hold, shake you by the shoulders, and scream:

“Yes! This is what being alive should feel like!”

But what the CCC doesn't have yet is images that represent its schuper schweetness. We gotta make this CCC dealio look snazzy, people!

This is where you – the graphically inclined and/or amazing – potentially come in.

So here's my challenge to you:

Create any of the following images for the Continuous Creation Challenge and I'll proudly display the best – with trumpets blaring and a choir singing your praises to the high heavens – everywhere I can:

  • A square logo
  • A rectangular banner
  • A 3D book/product cover

You don't need to be a pro graphic designer and you can absolutely contact me if you want to bounce ideas around before starting on something.

Continuous Creation ChallengeAlthough no money will exchange hands, I'll happily promote the hell out of the winning images and you'll happily enjoy praise from anyone who learns about or does a CCC.

Bonus points will be awarded if you create some potential CCC images during your own challenge (a cinch with the rockin' planning resources).

So do you want to show us all how much you rock? Do you dare to get bold and inspired with some meaningful creation?

Then get crackin' on something amazing to share with your fellow simplifiers, organizers, and money wisers!

OK, “money wisers” doesn't work. But it's fun to type.

Consume less, create more.

Your partner in simplifying,



P.S. I'll be doing my own CCC this week from 8:00 pm tomorrow to about 4:00 pm on Friday. Then my in-laws are in town for the weekend, meaning my consuming over those five days will be anywhere from non-existent to minimal. Woot!

P.P.S. Why are you still reading this?! You should be looking at the CCC resource kit right now, planning your own CCC, or helping to spread the message about the resource kit! Geez. You're stubborn.

Photo Credit: kozzmen