Corwin Hiebert

I enjoy risk-taking, story-telling, and non-fancy-talking people.

I also like creative folks who help other creative folks express their creativity better.

That's why Corwin Hiebert was a schweet guest for this episode of Smart and Simple Matters. Somehow… someway… Corwin is able to tell vivid, concise, and relevant stories about business and turn them into the practical actions that we can apply to just about anything.

It's episodes like this that prove just how much personal lessons can be taken from the business world (and visa-versa). Plus, it's guests like Corwin that show the sparks of simplifying, organizing, and being money wise are found wherever you scratch past the surface.

Corwin and I might not be the most tweetable dudes around, but some gems like this are waiting for you:

I would love to see a movement of collaboration amongst people reaching out to those with complementary skills, passions, relationships. In a time when it seems that everyone's busier than they should be, collaboration sounds like a lot of work. But the comradery, opportunities, and joy that can come from putting together a shared idea [is amazing]. – Corwin Hiebert

So do what you always do when listening to an episode of SASM – like kicking back with some coffee, running, or driving 'round town – and fire up this audio grooviness right now!

What You'll Learn

There's no risk-taking necessary in listening to this episode, my friend. Get ready to learn about this, that, and the other thing like:

  • Why checklists might be holding you back (and what to do instead).
  • How to balance the need for exploration against the need for focus.
  • Why Corwin likes knives and “rough and ready” cooking.
  • How to get a spreadsheet with bells, whistles, carnival balloons, and cotton candy.
  • What good creative and financial risk-taking looks like.
  • Removing the mystery from running a smooth small business.
  • Why you should get in, connect, and get out of your social networks ASAP.
  • How experimental jazz makes you more creative and a better observer.
  • Why you should avoid “industry inbreeding” (and how to do it).
  • How to maximize your current prospects instead of constantly seeking new ones.

Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode Include:


  • [09:34] Corwin's seeds of awesomeness
  • [15:38] How Taendem takes the mystery of running a smooth small business
  • [20:04] Task management and overall organization
  • [25:57] Balancing the need for exploration against the need for focus
  • [33:58] “Industry inbreeding”
  • [37:49] Giving up the good life for a great life
  • [42:42] Why collaboration is so important

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The transcript will not be available until I find a new transcriptionist (if you know someone good, let me know).

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