Note: the free promotion for Experience Curating has ended. Click here if you'd like to explore the book yourself.

Normally context is everything.

At least that's what I say in Experience Curating.

But you and your friends won't need any context to snag a copy of my book if you act fast.

That's because the surprisingly popular Experience Curating is free to download on Amazon through the end of Saturday, March 8!

Feel free to stop here, download your free copy, crank through it, get your Experience Curating on, and (optionally) leave a review.

Oh. You want a little context? Okie dokie.

Why Experience Curating Is Temporarily Free

I'm making Experience Curating free for three days for a number of reasons. For example:

  • I'm experimenting with getting my work into as many brains and hands as possible.
  • $4.99 is inexpensive for a book this good, not to mention that already has 23 five-star reviews across Amazon's international sites and already got to #4 in the Memory Improvement category. But sometimes even a penny is too much for a budget.

If you've already purchased the book, I'm super grateful. It's your support that allows me to generously give my work to people that need it (and to keep crankin' out sponsor-free and ad-free content at Value of Simple for you).

To everyone else, download your copy of Experience Curating for free right now.

Want to Generate Some Love?

You can help others discover the benefits of becoming an Experience Curator and have them love you for making them aware of cool free stuff. Here are a few quick things you can do:

Thanks for the amazing support and any reviews you leave for Experience Curating! It all helps a ton.


P.S. Getting the book for free until the end of Saturday, March 8 is seriously as simple as clicking this link: Bada-bing, bada-boom.