Don't stop the presses. Keep 'em going please.

But stop your day for a moment to get some free smiles, courtesy of one of the freshest little dudes in the world: Clark Zaslofsky!

(He's a bold fella that demanded I type his name in bold letters).

Clark was born on Wednesday, September 18th at 9:01 am CST, he's 22 inches long, weighs 8 pounds 11 ounces (3,930 grams), and has generated a few shy of eleventy billion hugs, kisses, and smiles from his mama, papa, older brother Grant, and relatives that have been dropping by.

Melinda is doing great and every Zaslofsky in Edina, MN is as giddy as we are weary.

I'll temporarily be spending less time than normal in the Value of Simple Labs while I enjoy the heck out of the newest addition to the clan. But fear not.

I worked my butt off getting blog posts and podcasts prepped, polished, and scheduled for publishing before Clark got here. That means the good times will keep rollin' at Value of Simple and on Smart and Simple Matters (although social media might be a bit quiet).

You may now return to your day with a skip in your step, a twinkle in your eye, and more warmth in your heart. I know I sure will.

Your giddy, tired, and constantly pondering, “Now… how does this work again?” friend,
