Smart and Simple MattersIn this episode of the Smart and Simple Matters show, I talk about a topic that's no longer flying under the radar.

And that's a very good thing, because it's of increasing importance in a world exploding with technology and information.

I'm talking about curating.

This is part 1 of a multi-part series about curation, a topic I'm endlessly fascinated by and always trying to help people with. If I get a little carried away or animated during this episode, you now have some context for it. And a good curator always makes sure they're providing valuable context.

Here's the Value of Simple definition if you're not familiar:

Curating is the act of intentionally sifting through your experiences and what you consume, archiving and categorizing the best stuff, and making it accessible and sharable for your future benefit and the use of others

So who's this for? Well, everyone really. But there are some people who are great candidates for becoming dynamite curators and making an easy transition into a curating mindset.

People like:

  • Tech savvy folks with a lot of digital possessions.
  • Anyone with a strong drive to organize.
  • Freelancers that require a stash of inspirational material or proven resources for new projects.
  • Passionate travel or recipe researchers.
  • Self-improvement types who don't like to choose between convenience and quality.
  • Those that do small amounts of work up front to eliminate huge amounts later.
  • People with a desire to help others and be a resource master on certain topics.
  • Someone who has a poor memory (like me) and resembles Forgetful Jones.
  • The kid who always got excited the day new encyclopedias were delivered.

Don't worry if you don't see yourself in these descriptions. You'll still appreciate this and enjoy digging into a little understood world that's making our collective lives richer and more meaningful.

And this is a must listen show if you or someone you care about has one of these problems:

  • Information overwhelm
  • Poorly or non-existent organization of key files, data, and resources
  • Being an information junkie but not benefiting from it
  • Unintentional hording of great resources that other people could benefit from
  • Not being able to get the information you want from a Google search
  • Having the same information in multiple places, each set being different from the rest
  • Not being able to attract people to participate and collaborate on the shared topics you all love

What You'll Learn

I cover why curating is so essential now, some great examples of curating tools, case studies of curating experts, the primary way I curate, and more.

In this episode you'll learn about:

  • Just what the heck curating is and why it can make you look amazing.
  • The types of struggles a curator can be a master problem solver for.
  • What we all spend three-fourths of our day doing without realizing it.
  • What kind of simple system I use to curate.
  • The best three minute video about curating ever made.
  • What high quality and low class curating systems look and feel like.
  • The truth behind the 100,000+ words a day we're exposed to.

Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode Include:


  • [01:11] Joel explains the concept and context of personal curating
  • [01:57] Problems solved by curating and some unexpected benefits
  • [05:29] Mind boggling research about information overload and what it means for you
  • [08:18] What high quality and low class curating systems look and feel like
  • [12:33] The solutions curating provides and how it makes you look good
  • [15:40] The bottom line about the increasing importance of curating

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