This happens a lot lately.
Someone launching a new product, service, book, or website will reach out and ask me to do something for them or with them.
But Adam's email was different. His intro was, “Heyyyy Joel” and instantly pulled me in with stories about growing a mullet and fighting bulls. Now, that's how you do it, folks.
And as soon as I read this, I knew I wanted to know more about Adam:
In a world that wants to take your money, it's essential that people are smart; that they make educated decisions about how to spend their money; and that they still manage to enjoy their lives in the process.
Those are the words of Adam Shepard. He's an author, a public speaker, an experimenter, and a counter-cultural beacon swimming against the current.
Plus, he's a super generous guy. You'll know what I mean once you listen to the episode.
Because that's where the details are about how to win a free copy of his new book One Year Lived (affiliate link) … and one lucky person will have it signed by Adam and shipped anywhere in the world.
I'm super jazzed about how this episode turned out, but I shouldn't be surprised. Everywhere that Adam talks, people listen. And then they start to question why they think the way they do. Why they make certain decisions and how acting differently might lead to more fulfillment for them and health for everyone else.
This episode is a sock-knocker-offer in a number of ways and you gotta listen to understand the context of these words from Adam:
I would have played in Lithuania for $500 a month and I would have gone hunting for my own food. I didn't care. I just wanted to play.
So join us to learn, explore … and find out how to win your free copy of One Year Lived.
In This Episode You'll Learn About:
- How to reinvent yourself when the one thing you were destined to do just isn't happening.
- Why Adam happily spent seventy days in a homeless shelter.
- Some intriguing, unconventional views about what is (and isn't) a sacrifice.
- The stellar benefits of not being awesome at video games.
- What Adam would take $500, a trip to Lithuania, and a bow and arrow to be able to do.
- Why budgeting is sexy (hint: think momentum and victories).
- The one purchase that put everything into perspective for Adam (and it was under $10).
- How to rapidly reframe our misfortune to benefit us.
- Why it's so important to have people that hold you accountable.
- How minimalism can lead to you fighting bulls in Nicaragua.
- The opportunity costs of a year traveling around the world.
- Why the most rewarding experiences come from stepping out of your comfort zone.
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Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode Include:
- Websites:
- Resources:
- Books:
- One Year Lived (affiliate link)
- Scratch Beginnings (affiliate link)
- Nickel and Dimed
- Articles:
- Picutres
- [06:39] Adam's seeds of awesomeness
- [12:40] Adam's scratch beginnings
- [15:46] Budgeting (and it's sexy)
- [21:20] Making sacrifices and what a sacrifice really is
- [26:43] How to reframe our misfortune to benefit us
- [30:46] How Adam practices minimalism
- [37:55] Where we see Adam's sweet mustache and mullet pictures
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The transcript will not be available until I find a new transcriptionist (if you know someone good, let me know).
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Awesome…small world! Adam did a signing at a bookstore I worked at long, long ago. I read Scratch Beginnings then and found it really interesting. I didn’t realize he’d written another book. It’ll be fun to “catch up,” as it were. Looking forward to listening, hopefully not too far in the future 🙂
Great, great time. Thank you for having me on the show.
I remember you! From Albany. You all treated me right up there. 🙂
It sure is a small world, Adam and Erin. Thanks for coming on the show and giving Erin a reason to comment! I’d be leaving a super long comment if I didn’t already internalize some of the takeaways from our chat.
That was the place, Adam. I’m glad our paths crossed again!
Ah, what a small world it is!
Great show Joel and Adam! Very inspiring story.
Totally agree with this one –> “Our most memorable experiences come when we step out of comfort zone”
That was one of the things I remembered most about this episode too, Chris. I’m way out of my comfort zone lately and it’s definitely memorable!