Andy PuddicombeGuess how many former Buddhist monks or circus performers I've had on Smart and Simple Matters?

The answer is zero … until now! That's because Andy Puddicombe from Headspace is my guest for this episode.

You're going to hear a lot about:

  • The science and benefits of mindfulness and meditation.
  • How to stop your mind from wandering away.
  • The themes of his TED Talk that has been viewed about two million times.

But you won't expect where Andy has come from and why he is where he's at now. There's some seriously heavy stuff from his past that set him on a journey to come out the other end transformed.

These days, Andy is responsible for about a million people meditating on a regular basis. That's primarily through the Headspace on the Go app, public speaking tours, and graciously giving interviews to folks like me.

His company even works with gold medal winning Olympic athletes who happen to attribute much of their success to meditation.

I respect Andy for what he's accomplished, but more importantly, for who he is. He's humble, driven for the common good, oozing mindfulness, and is a stabilizing presence.

Listen in (or meditate) on our conversation as we help you find more softness, more gentleness, and, of course, more headspace.

You're about to Learn …

  • The fascinating science behind meditation.
  • Why you don't look after your mind like you look after your body.
  • How to capture more fleeting mindfulness and headspace.
  • Why headspace is always with us (if we remember to look for it).
  • What “Take Ten” is and why you might benefit from it.
  • The surprising ripple effects when you meditate.
  • How to be familiar (and comfortable) with the present.
  • Why softness and gentleness is underrated.
  • How to be mindful … even without sunrises and surfing.
  • Why everythingness comes directly from nothingness.

Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode:


  • [04:18] Andy's seeds of awesomeness
  • [10:18] The difference between mindfulness, meditation, and headspace
  • [12:52] What Headspace is
  • [19:05] Why addiction is mitigated when you meditate
  • [22:37] Excuses for not meditating (and why they don't help us)
  • [26:17] Meditation's differences based on age and place
  • [32:18] Why meditation is a training for life
  • [35:45] Nothingness and everythingness

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The transcript will not be available until I find a new transcriptionist (if you know someone good, let me know).

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