Imagining Aloud

I know many ways to get you or your kids laughing, being silly, and enjoying quality time.

But there are few better – and more reliable – ways than literally listening to Chris and Sarah Wehkamp.

They are the husband and wife duo behind Imagining Aloud, a series of high-quality, all-original, entertaining audio stories for children and families. You want warmth, humor, and universal human values, without the preachiness, delivered by memorable characters every single week?

They gotcha covered.

They created Imagining Aloud for their website, Parents Who, because, like me, they want families to have a screen-free, ad-free, guilt-free way to charge their kids' creativity.

Imagining Aloud Banner

I know of nothing else like this. Exhausted parents, curious grandparents, eager educators, and diligent home-schoolers are already cranking their stories up … not to mention a four-year-old named Grant Zaslofsky and his papa.

Even if you're not a parent of young ones or a parent at all, there are great lessons for everyone in this episode. ‘Cause Chris and Sarah are insightful simple living enthusiasts and just generally make people smile.

I'm proud to call them friends and jazzed to introduce you to this clever couple. Here's just one golden nugget you're going to get:

Get out of your kids' way. There's a thing happening now where nobody's quite sure what parents should [or should not] be involved in … so we'll just be involved with everything. But for me and my kids, we've seen great benefit in going the other direction. – Chris Wehkamp

I can't say enough about the fun and quality of Imagining Aloud and I hope you get in on their launch promo like I did for a 50% discount. It's only good for the first 100 subscribers, so the bargain might be gone depending on when you listen to this SASM episode.

(Side note: Don't miss the special guest appearance from Mr. B toward the end.)

You're about to Learn …

  • Some simple ways to hand your kids more – and better – quality time.
  • Why highly interactive media may be limiting your kid's creativity.
  • How to get out of your kids' way so they can make their own fun.
  • The talent that landed Chris in the principal's office and an anime series starring role.
  • Why forced simplicity can be beautiful (even when it's via identical twins).
  • The invisible gifts that travel gives your kids.
  • How to elegantly avoid the mommy Pinterest competition.
  • Why planned spontaneity is essential for kids and parents.
  • How you can help bring Imagining Aloud the success it deserves.

Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode:


  • [05:41] Chris' seeds of awesomeness
  • [07:30] Sarah's seeds of awesomeness
  • [11:49] Leap-frogging from one travel experience to another
  • [13:58] What simple living means to Chris and Sarah
  • [19:59] What's Imagining Aloud and who's behind it
  • [25:51] The impact that Imagining Aloud is already having
  • [32:37] Vintage parenting practices that need to be revived
  • [43:11] Reviving the “How crazy is Joel?” segment
  • [45:08] The Imagining Aloud launch hookup (time sensitive)
  • [47:04] A special guest appearance from Mr. B

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The transcript will not be available until I find a new transcriptionist (if you know someone good, let me know).

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