Tico and TinaWhat would it feel like to get a cold water shower that changes everything … just four months into a marriage?

Does it have to take years and years to become debt-free, work from anywhere, and travel as freely as the wind?

These are the questions that my guests – David and Christina (a.k.a. “Tico and Tina”) – faced as a family and are helping others answer now.

It doesn't take long to see how when you follow them online. It's rare to see individuals, let alone couples, switch so seamlessly between hilarious, poignant, and vulnerable. But they pull it off with style and, in the process, make room for greatness.

Part of their appeal is in how they've streamlined their lives. And by “streamline,” they mean altering a landscape – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise – to make something more efficient or simple.

Are you on board with that? I know I am.

This is certainly one of the lighter and funnier Smart and Simple Matters episodes, but don't let the joking around fool you. There's plenty of uncommon insight to go along with your heaping helping of grooviness.

Here's just one tidbit:

When you're going a million different directions, you're not productive in any of them. – Christina

And here's another great nugget:

Simplicity is about being able to change direction quickly and, when the opportunity presents itself, being able to hit ‘it' with everything you have. – David

Click play and let's get into the groove with these two!

You're about to Learn …

  • How to make life happen for you instead of happen to you.
  • The mysterious link between productivity and a slow, minimalist lifestyle.
  • How to love yourself (and others) by embracing your inner tensions.
  • The meaning of “streamlining” and how it supports a simple life.
  • Why there's more to life than meeting your obligations.
  • How to (figuratively) make room for flowers to bloom and remove your weeds.
  • Why simplicity still needs a whole lot of simplifying.
  • Some small slices of simple advice that can work for anyone.
  • The intriguing link between agility and simplicity.
  • How to become a pro at car dance parties.

Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode:


  • [06:23] David and Christina's seeds of awesomeness
  • [11:42] How their life became frantic and reactive (a.k.a. “living by default”)
  • [14:00] The shift away from “the default” to finally living their “someday” life
  • [18:56] The concept of streamlining and how David and Christina do it
  • [25:15] How to streamline your digital world
  • [30:10] How this couple makes room for greatness (practically speaking)
  • [36:40] The unusual relationship between productivity and simple living
  • [40:45] How David and Christina help people (maybe even you)
  • [43:20] Some atypical skills that they have and how they got them
  • [48:15] Some simple advice that can work for anyone

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The transcript will not be available until I find a new transcriptionist (if you know someone good, let me know).

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