Toku McCree and Unexecutive.comTell me how you'd play this scenario:

You're at the greatest event you've ever been to – let's call it “World Domination Summit” – and you sit down next to a stranger who's radiating warmth.

You tell him you're into simple-living and community-building, which causes him to ask you about village-building conferences he knows of and his concept of trickle-down enlightenment.

Although the conversation is only ten minutes long, you exchange contact information and, a week later, you get an email from the guy with a link to a brief video he made – just for you. He tells you he loves your website, asks you about your manifesto, and wonders how he can best support you.

The dude is eloquent, funny, and magnetic. So … what do you do now?

Well, if you're me – and if the fascinating fella is Toku McCree of – you get to know each other over a casual Skype conversation and you invite him to talk on your podcast for as long as you can.

A little more about Toku: he lives in Portland, Oregon and is an executive coach who works with some of the world most influential leaders (e.g., Leo Babauta of Zen Habits). He's wildly and refreshingly vulnerable, service-oriented, and drives his cat crazy with a laser pointer.

In other words, this is all adding up to one of the best SASM episodes yet.

Here's just a taste of the wisdom coming from Toku when you press play:

We want to draw a circle around the people that we love. And sometimes we forget to include ourselves in that circle. – Toku McCree

And …

[If you want to be self-aware and mindful], you have to decide that you're worth getting to know. – Toku McCree

Whether you crank us up or bang a bong before we get it on, be ready for some quick and consistent mindfulness. Oh, and maybe even a float in a stream of trickle-down enlightenment.

You're about to Learn …

  • The five secrets of super-fast mindfulness.
  • Why self-awareness is the most powerful catalyst for change.
  • What Toku's one universal truth is.
  • When different types of meditation work (and the thread between them all).
  • If trickle-down enlightenment works better than trickle-down economics.
  • Why a life of privilege can cause major personal suffering.
  • How selflessly serving others gets us more than greedily taking all the time.
  • Why we all have the same base level of wisdom.
  • Why Toku doesn't take credit for the insight he spouts.
  • Why the people with you are always more wise than your gadget.
  • How to see the texture on the canvas of your mind.
  • The key difference between meta-mindfulness and micro-mindfulness.



Resources and Items Mentioned in This Episode




Podcast Episodes


Blog Posts

Where to Find Toku on Social Media

Timestamps and Topics

  • [07:44] Toku's seeds of awesomeness
  • [12:32] Toku's transformation before and during a trip to India
  • [16:18] Getting caught up in old cycles after moving to Portland
  • [18:56] Why awareness is the most powerful catalyst for change
  • [25:14] Why Toku's one universal truth is love
  • [31:38] Paying attention to your inner monologue and external dialogue
  • [34:50] How and where to get your self-awareness
  • [38:55] The connection between exercise and mindfulness
  • [47:25] The theory of trickle-down enlightenment
  • [50:44] The five secrets of super-fast mindfulness
  • [1:01:15] Toku's search for his life's purpose

Extra Gratitude and Special Mentions

Here's an extra dose of love to Alisha who wrote this recent review for the show on iTunes:

“Joel's attitude of gratitude is infectious, and he definitely makes it easier to take a simple, happy approach to life after listening.

Joel's greatest strength is truly connecting with guests on his show – he has flowing conversations that gently tease the details from one topic while easily leading to the next. He always listens carefully and gives his full attention to the speaker (not waiting to chime in with a witty remark just for the sake of hearing himself speak).

I think this is a rare quality in a host, and it is extremely conducive to being inspired by the guests he has on the show. I've been flying through the episodes, and I fear the day there is no more backlog left for me to plow through. Keep on with the interviews buddy! I love 'em.”

Hot diggity, Alisha! I receive that with gratitude and you and what you shared are tree-mend-us!

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Here are the four quick steps to leave an iTunes review (assuming iTunes is already installed):

  1. Click here to visit the Smart and Simple Matters iTunes page.
  2. Click the blue button on the left labeled “View in iTunes” below the show cover art.
  3. When iTunes loads, click the navigation tab labeled “Ratings and Reviews” and then click the “Write a Review” button underneath the “Customer Reviews” heading.
  4. Write a review with whatever title you like, whatever length you have time for, and give the show an honest rating. If you don't think it deserves five stars, don't rate it as a five star show.

Thanks again for your time and attention (I never take it for granted). And if you have someone or something you’d like us to cover on an upcoming show, tell us in the comments below.