I knew what I had to do … even before I arrived at the World Domination Summit this July.
And when Joshua Becker asked me at WDS, “Joel, do you think there should be a simplicity event somewhere?” I instantly replied, “Oh, heck yes!”
I had already been thinking about a national simplicity event for months, amazed (amazed!) that such a thing didn't exist. How could something as profound and growing as the simplicity movement not have an event for its community to rally around?
The kind of assembly that would welcome the diverse spectrum of minimalists and simplicity seekers. A place where relationships would blossom, problems would be identified, solutions could be worked on, and influence would be spread.
I knew what I had to do.
I needed to start this major simplicity event.
All the fantastic folks in our simple living revolution were desperate for a live, in-person gathering.
And after many conversations with family, friends, and some prominent voices in simplicity circles, it's time to publicly declare:
I am organizing an event to revive and revolutionize simplicity as the core of human fulfillment. It's time to rev up simple living!
Are you ready for SimpleREV?
The SimpleREV Vision
I know plenty of people who are rocking the simplicity landscape. But for every simplifier, I know at least twenty that are oblivious to the mission (or worse, are actively fighting against it).
That's a shame. Simple living is at the heart of what has brought health, happiness, and purpose for 99.99% of humanity's existence.
All humans have a natural drive to be consumed with something other than consumption.
All people want to remove what's useless to pursue the truly useful.
Consumer-driven culture directly conflicts with simple living. And as that culture advances, complexity seeps in alongside a narrative that you or what you do aren't “enough.”
But there's an antidote to having advertisers or invisible social norms control your decisions. There is an alternative to drinking from polluted sources that make us chase money or prioritize “stuff” over people and experiences.
It's called simplicity.
You may already know this. And if you do, then I definitely want you involved in SimpleREV.
If you don't know the joys of intentional living yet, I still want you on board.
Every person gets to decide how or when they will revive, revolutionize, and rev up simplicity through SimpleREV. Your menu of choices will be as large as the simplicity movement is wide.
Imagine the celebration, advocacy, legitimacy, problem-solving, community-building, and motivation that will come from freely mixing simplicity resource creators with quietly intentional (and passionate) believers.
Wow. Won't this be incredible?!
The SimpleREV Framework
I envision three primary event tracks for:
- Creators like bloggers, authors, artists, podcasters or video producers.
- Transitioners just about to unlock their creative potential or a new relationship with simplicity.
- Harmonizers that are humbly – but powerfully – practicing simplicity.
I picture conversations about:
- Why minimalism empowers fulfilling work (and not just for the self-employed).
- How parents can practice simplicity in a disruptive consumer culture.
- Healthier connections to money through debt reduction, easy budgeting, and simple investing.
- Growing spiritually-based simplicity via religion, meditation, yoga, and more.
- How to wield technology tools for empowered (instead of enslaved) Internet use.
- Relationship challenges like toxic relationships, saying “no,” and how to surround yourself with other simple living advocates.
- How to increase awareness – personal and global – for reducing our collective environmental impact.
- Dealing with a chaotic workplace or family member's environment.
- Unconventional choices from tiny houses to the science of happiness (and much more).
This event will be serious, but it will also be seriously fun.
Picture an energized community engaging before SimpleREV even starts through forums, local meet-ups, and their own ideas.
Picture an environment where people don't simply take notes about the rousing words of others. They come to act, participate, and create change.
I've read that I should allow a year (or more) to pull off an event like this for hundreds of people. My own event spreadsheet – with its massive checklist of tasks – knows the challenge of lining up speakers, reserving a venue, marketing to people that doesn't like be marketed to, and more.
There are many unknowns right now. But I can tell you that this is going down for 48 memorable hours in fall 2014 in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Minnesota metro area.
It's happening at a venue you won't expect, and will feature some of the biggest and brightest voices anywhere in minimalism and simplicity.
There will be wisdom shared on simple eating, minimalist technology, simple parenting, external and internal decluttering, and emotional attachments. There will be stories about the right relationship with money, meaningful work, intentional living mindsets, simplicity through spirituality, environmental impacts, easy and effective exercising, and collaborative consumption.
I can see the people of SimpleREV smiling, laughing, hugging, encouraging, motivating, and sharing insight over a meal. I can see the many currents running through this event already playing out.
Gratitude. Contentment. Abundance.
Clarity of purpose. Intentional living.
Connection. Collaboration. Community.
Self- and global-awareness. Compassion. Freedom.
Humility. Influence. Empowerment.
But you know what?
SimpleREV needs your help to realize the vision.
How to Help
There are a few quick ways that you can help me, help yourself, and help others get cranking with SimpleREV:
- Subscribe to the event mailing list.
- Email some friends with a link to this article or to SimpleREV.com.
SimpleREV is going to happen. How successful and fun it will be depends on you.
So get ready for a simple revolution, revival, and to rev up simplicity!
P.S. Pick at least one helpful action before closing this page. This event isn't about me … it's for people like you.
P.P.S. I'd love your help identifying relevant speakers and workshop leaders, fundraising (because even simple events require big money), making suggestions for SimpleREV experiences, and volunteers to assist with logistics, marketing, website development, graphic design, or general event coordination tasks.
Photo Credit: Paul L Dineen, Robert Benner
This NEEDS to happen. And when it does, I will be there.
I LOVE this! Can’t wait, and would love to be a part of it.
I’d love to have you play a groovy role in SimpleRev, Sandy. Let’s take this to email and discuss.
Awesome idea! It can also happen online as a first stage, like Social Media Summit held by the social media examiner.
I’m willing to help organizing this event in any way I can. Let’s have a Skype call to brainstorm some ideas.
I’ve had a couple of other people suggest that this could be done online on a smaller scale, too. I have no idea what that would look like, who would be involved, and if it’s even possible with everything else going on. But it’s a cool idea, and I’m never one to outright dismiss cool ideas. 🙂
I just sent you an email to coordinate a chat about SimpleRev. You’re a smart guy and I’m excited to hear what you have in mind!
Love the idea!! I also like that you’re doing it in the Midwest. Still a drive for me since I’m in Detroit but so many of these types of things happen in LA or NYC. So, great choice!
I think a webinar might be a good start to work the dust off, see interest level, etc. I’d love to be involved. Looking forward to a meeting of the minds! 🙂
I’m impressed that you would drive from Detroit, Robyn. It’s not a quick trip, but I suppose it beats flying in a number of ways.
What did you have in mind for a webinar related to SimpleRev? Is it just a one-off thing with a handful of people, or is it more like what a few other people have asked me for, which is an online predecessor event to the in-person event? Send me an email or use the Speakpipe voicemail tool on the right-hand side of this web page and let me know what’s on your mind. I’m definitely looking for people to be involved!
Genius idea Joel! But more importantly, this has the potential to help a lot of people.
Just shared it with the Unconventional Parents facebook crew.
I’ve been conspiring on an unconventional parenting event myself. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oooooo. An unconventional parenting event, eh? I now have resources up the wazoo for event planning, so hit me up whenever you want to. And thanks for sharing my vision with others!
Question – has a date been set for this event? May need to take a holiday day or two….
Hey Connor! It’s not official yet, but the preliminary dates for SimpleRev are October 3-4, 2014. I love the spirit of saving a holiday day or two for this. The brain trust is hard at work to provide more details soon and make this an amazing experience.
This is weird.
My husband suggested Sunday that we go to this conference called “SimpleRev”.
I told him I didn’t know what that was, so he showed me the website.
I didn’t know you, but I did know some of the key speakers. So I said “hm, yeah, maybe.”
I have been telling my husband for at least 2 years that a simplicity movement needs to happen, and would happen – it’s just a question of who would start it.
He thought I would be thrilled to see that it was starting. But I had my reservations.
And then, the universe did what it always does…
I am one month behind in my EOF episodes, so I figured I would try to catch up during a long commute I had today.
The last episode I listened to (and almost skipped bc quite frankly I was kind of EOF-ed out after listening to almost 15 of them on 2x), was yours.
I didn’t know it was you before I listened to it, but as soon as I heard John’s description I said “Holy s$%t! It’s the SimpleRev thing.”
And that sealed the deal. (Thank you universe)
I came home, texted my husband and told him that we are signing up and will help in any way we can to make this a successful movement.
I have been wanting this, teaching this, learning this, ideating this, dreaming about this, for years.
Our website goes live in a few days and I realize this is quickly becoming the longest comment ever so I’ll stop and move on to a different form of internet-ing social media-ing to communicate to you how grateful I am that you are organizing this, and how excited I am to be able to participate.
(Great quote by Bob Moorehead btw)
You’re not the only one thanking the universe, Sarah. I’m grateful that you’re so excited about SimpleREV and that I’ll be seeing you in Minneapolis on October 3-4. I’m even more motivated to making the SimpleREV experience amazing after just getting back from the World Domination Summit. I’ve seen the power of live events first-hand and I want to create the same effect for others.
Woohoo for us!