When “Being” Your Way into Action Is Better Than Thinking with Julie Gray – SASM 115

This episode features Julie Gray on how to create systems so you can work less and contribute more, why stress management seems so stressful, and how to tap into the power of your innate intelligence.

How to Escape the Crash/Recover Cycle with Christine Walker – SASM 102

This episode features Join Christine Walker on what to do when your mindfulness muscles are weak, how the “Pentagon of Wellness” works to heal you, and why going fast is addictive in our brains and culture.

Finding and Aligning Your Core Values with Jeff Sandquist – SASM 093

This episode features Jeff Sandquist on how to uncover your core values and live in alignment with them, why relying on external validation is such a dangerous trap, and how tasting life’s brittleness is both a curse and a blessing.

Slow Food, Social Obesity, and Why Nobody Wins a Parenting Race with Carl Honore – SASM 092

This episode features Carl Honore on how to prevent social obesity while gorging on meaningful connections, how to make your smartphone your servant instead of your master, and who wins the parenting race: the tortoise … or the hare?

The Joy of Cravings, Intimate Acts in Public, and Surprising Science with Alex Jamieson – SASM 084

This episode features Alex Jamieson on how to have cravings that empower you instead of enslave you, the four root causes of cravings – and what to do about each one, plus why eating food is the most intimate thing we do with others (in public).

The 4 Pillars of Survival and How to Reconnect to Nature with Cliff Hodges – SASM 080

This episode features Cliff Hodges on the benefits of “moving at the pace of nature,” how to reconnect with your primal, animal heritage, and the 4 pillars of survival (one of them unique to humans).

The Missing Connection Between Money, People, and Wellness with Joan Sotkin – SASM 074

This episode features Joan Sotkin with a simple, instant mindset shift to control your money worries, how to become someone who doesn’t fear losing anything, why were not designed to have abundance (and why nothingness is so important), plus what happens when you eliminate sugar from your diet for 42 years.

Gratitude Gains from Pain, How to Remove “Bad” Days Forever, and New Ways to Show Love with Aaron Kennard – SASM 071

This episode features Aaron Kennard on how to find euphoric joy in immense pain, eliminate bad days forever, use discomfort to trigger gratitude, the meaning of “Ho’oponopono,” and why empowering habits start as one small, simple act.

Simplify, Organize, and Minimize: Meet Your New Friend, Streamline, with Tico and Tina – SASM 070

This episode features David and Christina (a.k.a. Tico and Tina) on how to make life happen for you instead of happen to you, the mysterious link between productivity and a minimalist lifestyle, how to love yourself (and others) by embracing your inner tensions, and how “streamlining” supports a simple life.

The Dangers of “The Twitch” and How to Stop Yours with Anthony Ongaro – SASM 069

This episode features Anthony Ongaro on how to change your relationship with clothing (one load of laundry at a time), the quick tricks you can use to tame your smartphone, how one game helped him get rid of his excess stuff, plus the seemingly endless – and surprising – benefits of minimalism.

How to Create Power, Intention, and Focus with Morning Rituals – SASM 068

Do you know the misunderstood – but essential – difference between routine and rituals? What do morning rituals have to do with sharing my complete, unedited, and previously private daily promises? You’re about to get some answers … and learn even more (like why maintenance is for gardens and machines, not humans.)

How to Slow Down Your Life, Quiet the City, and Revive Our World with Bill Powers – SASM 065

This episode features Bill Powers on how to slow down, living tiny (and off-grid), why most world cultures are ecocidal, and where you’ll find urban oases … in any city.

Hear That? It’s Simple and Better Quality Time with Your Kids from Chris and Sarah Wehkamp – SASM062

This episode features Chris and Sarah Wehkamp talking simple living, their quality Imagining Aloud audio stories for kids (and parents), plus invisible gifts you can give the child in your life … at any time.

How to Get the Big Tiny House Life with Dee Williams – SASM 057

This episode features Dee Williams discussing the “bigness” of tiny house life, the profound freedom she’s found by downsizing, what a “perfect storm of awakening” looks like, and how she reshaped her life by confronting death (over and over).

SASM 045 – Exploring Innerspace and Bodhi Float Tanks with Chad Johnson and Richard Bonk

This Smart and Simple Matters episode features Chad Johnson and Richard Bonk of Bodhi Float Center. We discuss how to overcome gravity, exploring innerspace, stories of redemption, “nothingness,” and how to be ASWIM (that’s “awesome” to you).